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従来の見解では、LEED-Green-Associate練習資料は、実際の試験に現れる有用な知識を蓄積するために、それらに多くの時間を割く必要があります。 ただし、USGBC LEEDのLEED Green Associate Exam学習に関する質問はその方法ではありません。 以前のLEED-Green-Associate試験受験者のデータによると、合格率は最大98〜100%です。 最小限の時間と費用で試験に合格するのに役立つ十分なコンテンツがあります。 USGBC LEED準備資料の最新コンテンツで学習できるように、当社の専門家が毎日更新状況を確認し、彼らの勤勉な仕事とLEED-Green-Associate専門的な態度が練習資料にLEED Green Associate Exam品質をもたらします。 USGBC LEEDトレーニングエンジンの初心者である場合は、疑わしいかもしれませんが、参照用に無料のデモが提供されています。
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LEED-Green-Associate試験問題はすべて、99%〜100%の高い合格率を持ち、有効です。 LEED-Green-Associate学習ガイドの非周期性を修正します。購入したものが最新かつ高品質のLEED-Green-Associate準備資料であることをご安心ください。 LEED-Green-Associate実践準備はお金に見合う価値があることを保証します。すべてのユーザーはLEED-Green-Associate試験ガイドの恩恵を受けます。試験に不合格になった場合、すぐに全額のダンプを返金します。余分なペニーはすべてその価値に値します。 LEED-Green-Associateテストの質問が最良の選択です。
USGBC LEED Green Associate Exam 認定 LEED-Green-Associate 試験問題 (Q300-Q305):
質問 # 300
The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct of 1992), 2005 is a baseline standard for the credit category of
- A. Energy and Atmosphere prerequisite
- B. Water Efficiency
- C. Indoor Environmental Quality
- D. Sustainable Sites
The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct of 1992) is a United States government act that set goals, created mandates, and amended utility laws to increase clean energy use and improve overall energy efficiency in the United States1. The EPAct of 1992 is a baseline standard for the Energy and Atmosphere prerequisite category in LEED v4, which aims to reduce the environmental and economic impacts of excessive energy use and promote the use of renewable and alternative energy sources2. The EPAct of 1992 establishes the minimum energy performance requirements for buildings, such as lighting power density, HVAC efficiency, and water heating efficiency3. The EPAct of 1992 also provides tax incentives and grants for energy conservation and renewable energy projects1. The EPAct of 1992 was amended by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which updated some of the provisions and standards of the original act4.
質問 # 301
Which type of water should be considered an alternative water source?
- A. Rainwater
- B. Potable water
- C. Blackwater
- D. Dirty water
Rainwater is considered an alternative water source because it is a sustainable source of water that is not supplied from fresh surface water or groundwater. Rainwater can be harvested from roofs or other surfaces and stored for later use. Rainwater can offset the demand for freshwater and reduce the pressure on water resources. Rainwater can be used for various purposes, such as irrigation, toilet flushing, cooling, and cleaning. LEED projects can earn credits for using alternative water sources under the Water Efficiency category. References: Best Management Practice #14: Alternative Water Sources1; LEED v4 BD+C Reference Guide, Water Efficiency, page 51
質問 # 302
Which of the following negative impacts on the environment are a result of waste being transported/diverted to landfills?
- A. Solid waste produces methane and potent greenhouse gas
- B. Decreased post-consumer recycled content
- C. Increased pre-consumer recycled content
- D. Waste is incinerated and used to generate energy
Waste that is transported or diverted to landfills can have negative impacts on the environment, such as occupying valuable land, contaminating soil and water, and emitting harmful gases. One of the most significant impacts is the production of methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming and climate change. Methane is generated when organic waste decomposes anaerobically (without oxygen) in landfills. Methane has a global warming potential 28 times higher than carbon dioxide over a 100-year period12. Reference: LEED v4 Green Associate Candidate Handbook1, EPA's Landfill Methane Outreach Program2
質問 # 303
A new project is being built adjacent to a park with a 1/8 mi. (0.20 km) trail leading to an urban business district, which includes several retail shops and restaurants. This project qualifies for Location and Transportation Credits by
- A. reducing heat island effect
- B. maintaining open space
- C. providing pedestrian access
- D. encouraging physical activity
The Location and Transportation (LT) category addresses the location and accessibility of a project site, as well as its impacts on transportation, land use, and community connectivity. One of the credits in this category is LT Credit: Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses, which rewards projects that are located in areas with high density and a variety of land uses, such as retail, residential, and civic facilities. This can reduce vehicle miles traveled, greenhouse gas emissions, and infrastructure costs, as well as promote walkability, livability, and social interaction. A new project that is built adjacent to a park with a trail leading to an urban business district qualifies for this credit by providing pedestrian access to diverse uses within a 1/2 mi. (0.80 km) walking distance1 . References: LEED v4 Green Associate Candidate Handbook1, LEED v4 BD+C Reference Guide
質問 # 304
What does the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) administer?
- A. LEED Green Associate exams
- B. LEED Credentialing programs related to Green Building practice
- C. LEED rating systems development
- D. LEED Project Certification through third-party certification bodies accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
The USGBC administers the LEED credentialing programs, which include the LEED Green Associate and the LEED AP with specialty credentials. The USGBC does not administer the LEED exams, the LEED rating systems development, or the LEED project certification.
The LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook states that "The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) administers the LEED credentialing programs related to green building practice" 1, page 3.
The same handbook also states that "The Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) administers the LEED professional credential exams" 1, page 3.
The LEED AP with Specialty Candidate Handbook states that "The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is responsible for the development of the LEED rating systems" 2, page 3.
The same handbook also states that "The Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) administers project certification for all commercial and institutional projects pursuing LEED certification under any of the current rating systems" 2, page 3.
質問 # 305
実際、私たちはLEED-Green-Associate試験参考書に関するサービスとお客様に対する忠実がずっと続いています。だから、LEED-Green-Associate試験参考書に関連して、何か質問がありましたら、遠慮無く私たちとご連絡致します。私たちのサービスは24時間で、短い時間で回答できます。 私たちのLEED-Green-Associate試験参考書は、あなたがLEED-Green-Associate試験に合格する前に最高のサービスを提供することを保証します。 これは確かに大きなチャンスです。絶対見逃さないです。
LEED-Green-Associate資格練習: https://www.certshiken.com/LEED-Green-Associate-shiken.html
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